Richiesta informazioni per la sede *

Informativa per il trattamento dei dati personali. I dati personali inviati saranno utilizzati da parte di: "Trends Medica" nel pieno rispetto del Decreto legislativo n. 196 del 30 giugno 2003. I dati raccolti non verranno comunicati o diffusi a terzi.

Privacy *


Via Silvio Pellico, 6 – 30030 Salzano (VE)

TEL. 041 437865

How to reach us

  • Recommended exit from Trieste or Milan: Spinea
  • Follow for Spinea, Martellago, Via Luneo, Salzano


The office hours have been designed to meet all your needs:

We trust that you can find a time compatible with your commitments, and in any case our secretary is at your disposal to meet you and answer your requests. Once the appointment has been agreed, if you really cannot honor the commitment, please cancel it with reasonable notice, so that we can regroup.


Richiesta informazioni per la sede *

Informativa per il trattamento dei dati personali. I dati personali inviati saranno utilizzati da parte di: "Trends Medica" nel pieno rispetto del Decreto legislativo n. 196 del 30 giugno 2003. I dati raccolti non verranno comunicati o diffusi a terzi.

Privacy *


Via M. Volpe, 19 – 33100 Udine

Tel. 0432 26551

How to reach us

For those traveling on the A23 in both directions, the Udine Sud exit is recommended.

  • follow the ring road heading north,
  • turn onto Viale Venezia,
  • when you reach P.le XXVI Luglio 1886, take the 2nd exit and turn left at the traffic light,
  • after about 300 meters. you will find the studio on your right.


The office hours have been designed to meet all your needs:

We trust that you can find a time compatible with your commitments, and in any case our secretary is at your disposal to meet you and answer your requests. Once the appointment has been agreed, if you really cannot honor the commitment, please cancel it with reasonable notice, so that we can regroup.


Near the waiting room you will find the secretariat, an operational area where you can consult the secretary, arrange your appointments and treatment cycles with her, have the estimates illustrated to you and agree on the payment methods, all in absolute confidentiality and with the guarantee of the discretion necessary for these operations.

Our secretariat is able to provide you with all the information, clarifications and indications necessary to quickly define any type of personalized payment plan.


Payments can be made in the following ways:

  • cash, bank check
  • zero-interest personal financing with insurance policy for the work performed (it is simply necessary to present an identity document and the last paycheck, or the Unico model if self-employed)
  • payment in installments during the treatment cycle with a down payment and a number of installments to be agreed with the secretariat. The deferred payments must be proportional to the extent of the work and the time required to complete it